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Tradition and Wellness Services

Traditional Tai Chi Chuan

My journey in Tai Chi is profoundly influenced by the teachings of Vincent Chu, the son of Gin Soon Chu, within the esteemed Gin Soon Tai Chi Federation. Rooted in the lineage of Yang Sau Chung, our Tai Chi curriculum remains deeply traditional, honoring the essence of this ancient practice.

Tai Chi, as I teach it, embodies three essential components: martial, health, and meditative. Each class is meticulously structured to encompass these perspectives, ensuring a comprehensive and enriching experience for students. Through this holistic approach, practitioners not only cultivate physical strength and flexibility but also nurture mental clarity and inner peace.


Health Benefits

Stress Alleviation: Embrace the time-honored techniques of Tai Chi Chuan to reduce stress and elevate mental well-being.

Physical Harmony: Cultivate balance, flexibility, and coordination through the fluid postures of this time-tested martial art.

Mind-Body Unity: Deepen your connection between mind and body as you follow the traditional Tai Chi Chuan forms.

Holistic Wellness: Traditional Tai Chi Chuan at Boston Tai Chi Chuan & Bodywork is not just an exercise—it's a journey toward holistic well-being

Note: I'm available for private lessons for tai chi chuan and bagua

Tradition and Wellness Services


My Baguazhang instruction is deeply influenced by the esteemed lineage of Tak Wong and Sun Ba Gang, the ladder was a disciple of Fu Zhen Song, a renowned master of Fu Bagua Zhang. Additionally, I've had the privilege of studying Yin Bagua Zhang with the esteemed Cao family, under the tutelage of Chen Xiao Ping.

This comprehensive Baguazhang lineage forms the foundation of my instruction, shaping a well-rounded approach to this dynamic martial art. Embracing empty-hand forms and weapon techniques, our curriculum encompasses the full spectrum of Baguazhang practice.

The inclusion of weapons training not only enriches the physical aspect of our practice but also deepens our understanding of internal principles. Through diligent study and mindful practice with weapons such as the straight sword, deer horn knives, and staff, students develop heightened awareness, coordination, and mastery of Qi flow.


Health Benefits

Enhanced Agility: Develop enhanced agility through Baguazhang's circular footwork and dynamic techniques.

Core Strength: Engage and strengthen your core muscles with the unique and powerful movements of Baguazhang.

Stress Relief: Experience stress relief through the flowing and circular movements inherent in Baguazhang.

Body Awareness: Heighten your awareness of body movement and energy flow with this traditional martial art.


Note: I'm available for private lessons for tai chi chuan and bagua

Tradition and Wellness Services

Revitalizing Bodywork

Complement your martial arts practice with our revitalizing bodywork sessions at Boston Tai Chi Chuan & Bodywork. Our skilled practitioners specialize in Myofascial Therapy and Acupressure, combining ancient healing techniques with modern therapeutic practices to bring you a holistic wellness experience.

Health Benefits


Targeted Pain Relief: Address chroni

Bodywork Services

Myofascial Therapy

Myofascial Therapy, rooted in the belief that optimal health begins with balanced fascia, is a specialized technique designed to release tension in the fascia— the connective tissue surrounding muscles and organs. Our certified therapists utilize hands-on manipulation to address restrictions, promote flexibility, and restore natural movement patterns.

Health Benefits

Massage Therapy

Pain Relief: Alleviate chronic pain and discomfort by releasing tension in the fascial network.

Improved Flexibility: Enhance range of motion and flexibility by addressing fascial restrictions.

Postural Alignment: Correct imbalances and improve posture by releasing tension in key fascial areas.

Stress Reduction: Experience deep relaxation as Myofascial Therapy addresses physical and emotional tension.

Enhanced Circulation: Improve blood flow and nutrient delivery to tissues by releasing fascial restrictions.


Acupressure, rooted in ancient Chinese medicine, involves the application of gentle pressure to specific acupoints on the body. This practice stimulates the body's natural healing processes, promoting balance and harmony. At Vital Touch, our skilled practitioners apply precise techniques to enhance overall well-being

Health Benefits

Stress and Anxiety Relief: Acupressure promotes relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety levels.

Pain Management: Alleviate various types of pain, including headaches, muscle tension, and chronic pain conditions.

Improved Sleep: Enhance sleep quality by addressing energy imbalances and promoting relaxation.

Balanced Energy Flow: Restore the flow of vital energy (Qi) throughout the body, supporting overall health.

Enhanced Mental Clarity: Acupressure can contribute to mental clarity and focus.

Seniors practicing Qigong & Baguazhang 

Baguazhang for seniors 

Qigong (chi Kung) for seniors
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